Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fish, baked or fried.

900 g haddock2 teaspoons salt (or to taste)3 dessert spoons of lemon juice1 teaspoon garlic powder1 / 2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper1 teaspoon powdered cuminover a large pinch of ground nutmegcinnamonspice mixtures,seasoning for fish and cayenne pepper2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil

The fish is cut into squares 5x5 cm Rinse in a colander with cold water, let the water run. Mix all the spices. Put the fish into a wide shallow bowl, add the spice mix, lemon juice and olive oil. Mix well so that each piece of fish was covered with mixture. (Lemon, not only gives the fish flavor, but also allows you to save the form of fish in the process for r manufacturing.) Supply miskuna 1 hour in refrigerator. Put a piece of foil on the grill or pan. Lay the foil pieces of fish and bake in pre preliminarily heated oven for 5 minutes each side over medium heat. Prepared by the method described by nym fish can be fried in hot oil in deep frying pan.Fish can be served as a snack or as a separate dish with salad and fried potatoes.

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